Scared Photomanipulation Tutorial  

Posted by Ashish in


This tutorial will be a little different than all the other tutorials I wrote. Here I will teach you some basic things about Photomanipulation.

Step 1

Photomanipulation stands for working with images and manipulating them in all the possible ways you can imagine.

To start making a photomanipulation you will need first to make a sketch or at least order things up. The images I will use for my work will be:


Step 2

Now open up the first image. This will be the image that we plan to manipulate.


Step 3

What I want to do next is to remove his eyes. How do I do that? It is actually a simple process but you must work hard and be careful to the details.

Using the Lasso Tool, make a selection over the guy’s forehead and copy the piece you just selected to a new layer (Press Ctrl + J). We will use this piece to hide the eyes. Name the layer left patch.


Step 4

Place the piece you just copied over the eye on the left and add a mask layer to it by pressing the Add layer mask button.


Step 5

Now select the Brush tool set to 0% Hardness and set to Black. Also make sure you have selected the mask thumbnail of the piece. Now simply paint over the piece. This will hide it. This is better than deleting the image because you can always come back and repair if you make any mistake.


Step 6

Repeat from Step 3 but this time select a piece from the right side of the forehead and also name the layer right patch. Mask it the same way you did with the other side.


Step 7

Now it is time to make the eyes. First make a new folder on top of all the other layers and name it Eyes.

Import the last image from the images we are going to use.


Step 8

Make a selection over his left eye, copy it into a separate layer and name it Left eye. Repeat this for the Right eye.


Step 9

Move the 2 eyes in the Eyes folder. Resize them and fix them into position.


Step 10

Now we need to make the eyes look like they belong to this scared little fellow.

Have the Left Eye selected and then go to Image - Adjustments - Black & White (If you not using Photoshop CS3 then you will not have this. In this case use Desaturate). Try and play with the settings there to make it look darker.


Step 11

Now go to Image - Adjustments - Hue/Saturation and try to make the patched eye the same tone as the man.


Step 12

Repeat Step 10 and 11 for the Right Eyes this time.


Step 13

Now Add a layer mask for both eyes and start masking them to make the guy look through his fingers. When you finish set both eyes to Multiply.


Step 14

Next I want to make this guy to look very scary, not only scared.

What I want to do it make his fingers large. To do this we will use the same technique as we did when we covered the eyes.

Use the Lasso Tool to select the fingers you want to make longer, copy the selection into a new layer and move it into position. Than start masking it to make it blend in nicely.


Step 15

Repeat Step 14 for all the fingers or for a few of them as I did.


Step 16

Now it is time to make the guy look very scared. To do this I will make 2 mouths on his hands.

Import the last image.


Step 17

As we did with the eyes use the same technique with the mouth.

Select it and copy it into a new layer. Put in into position and transform it as you want. Than go to Image - Adjustments - Black & White and play with the settings until the mouth looks close to your object. Than go to Image - Adjustments - Hue/Saturation and play with the settings there until the mouth will blend in with the man behind. Also make a folder and name it Mouth. Move the mouth layer in that folder.


Step 18

Now you need to mask the mouth. Use the Add layer mask button than brush away the unwanted parts of the mouth.


Step 19

As you can see the mouth does not blend in too well with the rest of the image. We need to play with the Hue/Saturation some more.


Step 20

Copy the mouth to the other hand and rotate it. Than transform it and warp it carefully to make it look good.


Step 21

The image looks great. But I want to make some details that will give the image a boost.

Make a new layer and using the gradient tool and black color, try to make some shadows over the mouth. Then mask the layer and brush away some parts that are not necessary.

Finally set the layer to Soft Light.


Step 22

Now repeat Step 21 but this time make the shadow for the other mouth.


Step 23

To make more details I will use a part of the guy.

To do this you can do it using the brush tool or the Burn and Dodge Tools, but in this example I will use the Lasso Tool and only the Burn tool.

Select the part that I selected and copy it into a new layer.


Step 24

I will move this piece of the hand into position and mask it. Then set the layer to Hard Light.


Step 25

Using the same shape I will make some more wrinkles around both mouths.


Step 26

Finally using the Dodge Tool we will lighten some parts of the image. Start with the eyes.


Step 27

Now finish with the Dodge Tool on both mouths. Lighten in the spots I have specified in the preview:



In the end you can finish the work with a nice texture. In my case I like it as it is.

Thank you for reading.


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